What is Portal?

Why is Portal Unique?

The Market

Our Strategy

For Eventgoers

For Event Organizers

Our Team


What is Portal?

Portal is a next-generation utility token focused on bringing the power of blockchain to the event industry. We are on a mission to allow people to organize and attend the wildest and most exclusive underground events by leveraging the power of the blockchain and the anonymity of cryptocurrencies.

We are creating two Dapps:

  1. Portal Suite: a blockchain-based event management system to organize private and exclusive events with decentralized governance and data infrastructure, allowing marketplace agents to transact directly with each other without the need for a trusted intermediary. Key features include ticketing, payments, event logistics and marketing.

    Use cases: safely organize an LGBTQ+ event in a country where it is prohibited, a not-very-legal rave without worrying about your identity, or a private and exclusive event for celebrities with unique invites and special gifts for the largest $PORTAL holders.

  2. Portal Discovery: an NFT-based portal to discover private and exclusive events and anonymously buy tickets thanks to the $PORTAL coin. Key features include finding private events, buying tickets safely and anonymously and seamlessly reselling tickets.

    Use cases: anonymously buy a ticket for an event, easily resell it, earn access to exclusive events as a $PORTAL holder.

We are not only building a cryptocurrency, we are on a mission to revolutionize the event industry by bringing the power of blockchain to an aging industry worth billions of dollars.

$PORTAL is at the heart of those two game-changing Dapps, and we believe $PORTAL will be used by every person in the world attending secret, private, exclusive or not-very-legal events.

Why is Portal Unique?

We are changing the world of live events - an [$80B industry worldwide](https://www.grandviewresearch.com/industry-analysis/virtual-events-market#:~:text=Report Overview,23.2%25 from 2020 to 2027.) - and we have a real strategy to pursue this opportunity.

We are beginning with events that fiat platforms are not fit to handle - alternative events like raves, political demonstrations, underground events, and anything to do with sex.

Given the sensitive nature of these events, we are creating a unique solution - an anonymized decentralized hosting platform, along with corporate-level safeguards that guarantee anonymity for users as well as event makers, as well as compliance to ward off bad actors.

We are building our platform off this niche and will win the mainstream using our exclusive branding and our amazing Portal Suite Dapp. Our goal is to disrupt the live events industry worldwide - following the massive technological innovations in the fintech and entertainment sectors.